Monday, June 30, 2014

The Healthcare Solution

I think everyone would agree that lowering healthcare costs is a really cool idea. Before we ask the government to take over the entire industry, we may want to look at it little closer.

There are two questions we should ask before taking the governmental leap: What are the real us? And, is there a better solution? After boring you with some statistics, I plan on offering you my version of a solution.

By showing you these stats, I hope you will gain a better idea of what the healthcare industry means to our overall economy. When I say economy, I am not just referring to Wall Street or corporate profits... I am referring to your pockets and paychecks

According to the US department of labor's Bureau of Statistics, the Healthcare industry is the largest industry in the land. As of 2006, the industry accounted for over 14 million jobs. In addition, 7 of the 20 fastest growing occupations fall under its umbrella. 5% of the total US population works for some form of medical care facility. As we say in the south, "That's a heap o' folks."

These stats do not include sub-industries like pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, insurance agencies, and medical paraphernalia manufacturers. Millions of others rely on these sub-industries for their paychecks. If we add these jobs into our stats, we're probably closer to 10% of the total population relying on the healthcare industry for their bread and butter. That's almost 30 million jobs.

Keep in mind that Corporations aren't the only ones who profit from the industry. Your friends, your family, your wives, your fellow church members, and your neighbors may be getting their paychecks from healthcare. Those of us who aren't have 401(k)'s, IRA's, mutual funds, and other investments tied to medicine and its auxiliaries. In other words, we all have a vested interest and should want healthcare to be efficient, profitable and long lived.

In summary (if it's not too late), IT healthcare solution is a huge pillar of our economic foundation. It is almost completely domestic and for the most part, can never be shipped overseas. It effects every man, woman, and child in this land? As a result, we have to use extreme caution when considering a change to its structure.


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